Parent Info
Welcome to the Troop
Welcome to BSA Troop 312! We're so happy that you have enrolled your son in Scouting. Scouting instills confidence, leadership skills, outdoorsmanship, and many other qualities which will help your son grow into a successful and upstanding young man. At Troop 312, we pride ourselves on the achievements of these young men and strive to help them achieve their goals.
Our troop was launched in 2015. We belong to the North Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of America in the Osceola District. We are chartered by Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Augustine, and hold most of our meetings at Pacetti Bay Middle School.
Our troop is supervised by a Scoutmaster, of course, but also a committee of dedicated parent volunteers who oversee the planning and administrative functions. The Scouts meet every Monday at Pacetti Bay Middle School at 6:30 pm. We are currently 30+ Scouts strong and growing!
As part of the Scouting Program, we incorporate a variety of exciting activities and events. These include but are not limited to:
Community Service Projects
What to Expect at the First Troop Meeting
Your son will be introduced to the troop and assigned to one of the existing patrol groups. Scouts need to bring their Scout handbook, pen and paper to every meeting. He will be given a complimentary Troop t-shirt, also referred to as the Class-B uniform shirt. If you have not had time to purchase a Class-A uniform for your son, don't be too concerned. It is understandable given the fact that you just joined Scouting. If you are not sure of what to purchase for your son's uniform, this will take you to a complete uniform checklist.
You will be required to fill out all the required forms at this time. The forms below are to be filled out, signed and turned in at the troop meeting.
BSA Youth Application - the Scout's information
BSA Health Forms - Parts A and B (Part C will be required for week long campouts) A copy of your Health/Medical Insurance Card is needed.
Parent Contact Information
My Personal Commitment Form
Photo Release Form
BSA Adult Application - For those of you who would like to volunteer for an open position within the troop committee.