Troop Structure and Organization-Meetings

The troop meets every Monday evening from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. During the school year we meet at Pacetti Bay Middle School, Address: 245 Meadowlark Ln, St Augustine, FL 32092, Phone: (904) 547-8760, The Schools Website.. While the school is closed during the summer break we will meet in the banquette are of our charter orginization Memorial Presbyterian Church, Address: 32 Sevilla St, St Augustine, FL 32084, Phone:(904) 829-6451, The Churches Website. Scouts are expected to arrive on time, in full Class-A uniform, unless otherwise advised, with their Scout Handbook and their dues (if not paid in advance). See "Uniforms" on the next page for details. Meetings are held year round EXCEPT if the Monday falls on a holiday such as Memorial Day, Labor Day or Christmas. If a meeting is cancelled, members will be contacted via email and Facebook in a timely manner.

The meetings consist of patrol time, (for the patrols to organize and work on rank requirements), and troop time during which inter-patrol activities will take place at the direction of the Senior Patrol Leader. During meetings, we may also have merit badge classes, and scouts may also meet with the Scoutmaster for Scoutmaster Conferences, (required for rank advancement). Finally, Boards of Review, (BOR), also required for rank advancement, take place during meetings. If your son has any needs for rank advancement, it is up to him to seek out the appropriate guidance to get the requirement signed off.

Attendance at meetings is required for rank advancement. Each rank has a requirement specifying that the Scout be "active" in the troop for a specified period of time. If the scout has to be absent for meetings, they may not meet this requirement until they demonstrate more active involvement in the troop. If they are to be absent for a meeting, it is a good idea for them to let their patrol leader know that they cannot make it to the meeting.

The SPL also is responsible for running the Patrol Leader Council (PLC) on a monthly basis.

Youth Structure

Senior Patrol Leader: The troop is led by the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL). The SPL is generally an older Scout who has been selected by the Scouts in the troop to serve in this position. The SPL is responsible for planning meetings and is the "go-to" Scout for any issues which might crop up. He serves in this position for 6 months.

The SPL generally has 2-3 Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders, also elected by the Scouts, who serve to assist him and fill in for him if he is absent. Additionally, there are a number of leadership positions in the troop, (i.e. Scribe, Troop Historian, Troop Quartermaster).

These positions are filled at the direction of the SPL, and the Scouts in these positions report directly to the SPL regarding their areas of responsibility. The SPL reports directly to the Scoutmaster.


All of the Scouts in the troop are assigned to a specific patrol. This assignment generally occurs when they first join, and a number of considerations are made when assigning a particular Scout to a specific patrol.

Each patrol typically has 6-9 members and is led by a Patrol Leader. The Scouts who serve as Patrol Leaders are elected by the Scouts. A Patrol Leader is responsible for all aspects of Scouting for the members of his patrol. Specifically, he is responsible for helping his patrol members' advance in rank, communicating issues regarding troop activities, organizing the patrol for campouts, and teaching Scouting skills to the younger members of the patrol. Each Patrol Leader reports directly to the Senior Patrol Leader. Additionally, each Patrol Leader will select a member of the patrol to serve as Assistant Patrol Leader. This Scout will assist the Patrol Leader in any areas and will fill in for the Patrol Leader in his absence.

Adult Structure

Scouting Leadership: The troop has a ScoutMaster (SM) who serves as the primary adult leader of the troop. His job is to serve as a guide for the troop and, specifically, for the Senior Patrol Leader. He has select adults to serve as Assistant ScoutMasters. The Assistant ScoutMasters (ASM) help in any ways needed and can fill in if the ScoutMaster is absent.

Troop Committee: The troop committee consists of BSA Registered adults, (Those adults who have registered with the BSA and have been assigned an official member ID), volunteers, who meet on the 2nd Monday of every month at Pacetti Bay Middle School. They serve as the organizing body for the troop. The committee is led by a chairperson who is selected by the members of the committee. Within the committee, there is also a secretary, treasurer, and coordinators for outdoor activities, advancement, training, equipment & supplies, good works, fundraising, and advancement, among others. Parents are welcome to attend any and all Committee Meetings.

Parent Involvement and Participation

Parents are always welcome to attend any of the weekly Troop meetings as well as the monthly Troop Committee Meetings. We do kindly ask that you silence your cell phone and refrain from loud conversations during meetings as this can be distracting. We also ask that you only observe the meetings, the youth leaders are responsible for running them.

There are a number of ways you can be involved with the troop. Positions on the troop committee are open to all adults associated with the troop. You can also contribute by becoming a Merit Badge Counselor. There are many different Merit Badges available to the Scouts and you may have a particular skill, because of a hobby, profession, or area of expertise to share and teach the Scouts.

Adult volunteers are required to fill out an adult registration form which can be picked up at any meeting. If you want to attend campouts, you will be required to take the youth protection training.

All parents/legal guardians must conduct themselves at all times in such a manner as to be a positive role model for all Scouts. This includes the use of tobacco. While we cannot prohibit smoking, we do request that it be done responsibly. Please use designated smoking areas only and if outdoors, smokers are required to field strip and pack out any non-biodegradable components. Out of respect for BSA principles, we expect that no tobacco will be used in the presence of any Scout.

Alcohol is strictly prohibited during any and all Scout functions and events. Adult language and adult conversations will not be permitted within the hearing of any Scout.