All Scouts are required to have a uniform with the proper insignia and epaulets. Required patches include the troop number and North Florida Council insignia. Rank patches will be supplied by the troop as will specific leadership position patches and other award insignia. Patrol patches, (each patrol has a specific patch insignia), are purchased by the parents/guardians. They can be found at the scout shop or through the Patrol Leader if he agrees to purchase them himself.
The only two patches that transfer over from cub scouts are The Arrow of Light (patch) and the Religious Knot. Some patches such as rank and patrol are changed out occasionally so instead of sewing those onto the Class-A uniform, we try to provide velcro rounds specifically for clothing and we suggest you sew the velcro onto the uniform then subsequently the patches themselves. Placement for all of the patches and insignia can be found on the inside cover of the Scout Handbook.
Scouts must wear their Class-A uniform to their Board of Review. Any Scout who requests a BOR and is not in his Class-A uniform will need to wait until the next meeting when he is wearing his full uniform. The troop keeps a limited number of used uniforms on hand if you would rather go this route. The Scout should see the Senior Patrol Leader or ScoutMaster if they would like to have a used uniform.
The Class-A uniform includes:
Khaki/tan shirt with appropriate required insignia
Olive green scout pants or shorts
Olive green scout belt
Olive green scout socks
Closed shoes such as sneakers or hiking boots
(no flip flops, sandals or crocs)
Scout hats and neckerchief are optional. Scouts must wear their Class-A uniform to all meetings (except PLC) unless announced otherwise. Scouts can wear their Class-B t-shirt underneath the Class-A shirt so that they can remove the top shirt for outdoor activities.
The Class-B uniform includes:
The Class-B uniform consists of a Scouting specific t-shirt and olive cargo style shorts and/or pants along with the proper closed shoes. This t-shirt does not have to be from troop 312. Any t-shirt with insignia or markings of the BSA will suffice. These can occasionally be worn to meetings and on campouts. Generally, the Class-A uniform is worn during transportation to a campout. We have Troop 312 t-shirts for sale for $12 each.
Scout Uniform (Youth) - Prices as of November 2013
Youth Short sleeve shirt in TAN color ($24.99 for Poplin material or $34.99 for microfiber)
Scout Shorts or Pants Olive Green (Any Olive Green pants or shorts are acceptable)
Web Belt with buckle (olive green) $10.99
Official BSA olive green short or long socks (they run small) $5.99 - $8.99
Merit Badge sash $7.99
North Florida Council Shoulder Patch $3.25
Unit Numerals: 3, 1, and 2 in olive green ($1.49 each)
Shoulder Loops: olive green $2.99
World Crest Emblem (small, purple patch with a white fleur-de-lis in the center) $1.49
Patrol Patch (these are assigned by the Patrol Leader) $1.99
NOTE: Our troop does not require BSA hats or neckerchief. However, only BSA hats and/or baseball cap styles are permitted.
Adult Leader Uniforms (Adult Male & Female):
Short sleeve shirt in TAN color
Web Belt with buckle (olive green) The Scout Shop has other leather styles with the scout logo which are also acceptable.
Official BSA olive green short or long socks (they run small)