Campouts and Electronics


Campouts are typically Friday evening through Sunday morning. Transportation is provided by adult members of the troop. Unless otherwise advised, when traveling to campouts, ALL Scouts are required to wear their Class-A uniforms. We generally leave for campouts between 5 and 6 PM from either the Pacetti Bay Middle School parking lot or more often the Murebella Community amenities center parking lot. No dinner is served on Friday evening, so the Scout should bring a bag lunch type of meal with them to eat on the way, or they can eat prior to leaving for the campout. On return, the adults on the campout will have the scouts contact parents from the scouts phone, or the drivers phone if the scouts phone has no charge, to let them know what time the scouts will be arriving back at the departure point.

All campouts require the presence of at least two Adult Leaders. All adults attending campouts must have completed the BSA Youth Protection Course and the "2 deep" policy is followed at all times, (no adult will ever be alone with any scout). Cell phones are discouraged on campouts but can be taken and used at approved times and under certain circumstances.

Summer camp occurs each year, the planning of which generally starts 9 months in advance. It lasts for one week and is a great opportunity for the scouts to earn merit badges and fulfill rank advancement requirements.

Electronic Equipment

Camping is the signature activity of Scouting. We generally try to have a campout once per month. During these campouts, the Scouts will have the opportunity to learn outdoor skills, work on merit badges and rank advancement requirements. They will be responsible for setting up their tent with their tent mate, and each patrol will be responsible for preparing their own meals.

The Troop must have current and complete BSA Health Forms Parts A & B for your son(s) in order for him/them to attend weekend campouts. These can be filled out by the parent / guardian. BSA Health Form Part C is required for longer campouts such as summer camps, (lasting over 72 hrs.). Part C requires a physical check-up and can only be filled out by a physician. These forms MUST be completed each year if your son(s) is to attend any campout. The Troop also needs a copy of your medical insurance card. We cannot make any exceptions for this. We usually can provide printed copies of these forms but you can also print them off the website. Click Here For the form.

Any Registered Adult providing Troop Transportation will be permitted to utilize onboard DVD players provided that there is unanimous agreement by the Scouts as to the movie being shown AND that all Scouts have equal access to viewing the screen and to the audio component. At no time shall the DVD be visible to the driver nor shall the audio component be so loud as to provide a distraction. The Registered Adult providing said transportation assumes all responsibility for said entertainment and the appropriateness of its content.

Cell Phones

While the focus of our program is on outdoor activities, we do realize that our Scouts are part of a world that utilizes technology to an increasing degree. The use of devices such as laptops, tablets or smart phones will be allowed during Troop Meetings so long as their use is contributing to the Scouting experience. Proper uses include Scribe notes, researching activities or advancement and communicating with members that are absent. Use of these devices for recreational purposes or any purpose that is deemed inappropriate by Adult Leaders will result in the device being confiscated and returned at the end of the event.

Handheld gaming devices, (Game Boy, PSP, etc.), are prohibited. The only exception will be during transportation to Scouting events and will be determined by the length and time required to reach a destination. In any case, it will be at the ScoutMaster's and /or the transportation owner's discretion.

Use of cell phones is discouraged during activities such as Troop Meetings, Campouts, Summer Camp, Winter Blast, or any other such activity. Some locations specifically prohibit the use of cell phones, and in all instances, the rules of the location will be adhered to without exception.

For extended events such as Campouts or Summer Camp, the cell phone will be placed with the ScoutMaster, Assistant ScoutMaster or other Troop Registered Adult before the Troop leaves for the event. The cell phone will be locked in one of the vehicles for the duration of the event. The Scout will have to request to use the phone and it will be at a time(s) that the ScoutMaster deems appropriate to make the device available.

The ScoutMaster, Assistant ScoutMaster, Troop Registered Adult, BSA Troop 312, or Chartered Organization assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for the safekeeping or maintenance, including charging or recharging of said equipment.